

Searched everything and got 199 results

14 April 2020

Best Practice

In addition to the assessments councils undertake as part of the programme, CouncilMARK™ also aims to highlight and facilitate best practice examples based on themes identified throughout the assessment process.

5 March 2020

Bruce Robertson

Bruce works with the many local authorities including being an independent member of Audit and Risk Committees for Auckland City Council, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Environment Southland, Far North District Council, Southland District Council, Thames-Coromandel District Council and Waipa District Council.

A new case study released today focuses on the actions that a progressive Far North District Council (FNDC) has taken to improve and address what was initially perceived as a disappointing first CouncilMARK™ rating.

Central Hawkes Bay District. Council’s strong dedication to lifting its performance is paying off. Stakeholders said Council is “punching above its weight”. The effectiveness of its strategy, processes and leadership matches that of larger councils with considerably more resources.